The soon-to-be married pair were spotted wearing traditional Indian garb ahead of a Puja ceremony on Wednesday which was held at Priyanka’s Mumbai home. Wearing a stunning embroidered suit and sari, the actress is glowing as her future hubby holds onto her tightly while posing for photographers. Puja is the act of showing reverence to a God or spirit through invocations, prayers, songs, and rituals, and is one of the most important ceremonies in the Indian culture. Nick’s family, including brother Joe Jonas and his fiancée Sophie Turner, flew in ahead of the ceremony and were already seen having their own celebration while at dinner with the bride and groom. As The Blast reported, the future Mr. and Mrs. Jonas will say “I do” at the last standing palace in India. Until then, there will be many ceremonies and celebrations leading up to their big day on December 2.

 The bride looked chic in her light blue Indian suit which was intricately embellished, while Jonas donned pink and cream for the occasion. Both looked to be in extremely good spirits as they were photographed wearing co-ordinating shades as they stood in the bright sun. Her dress was filled with colorful and 3D floral embroidery in different sizes creating a glorious stunning view dazzling everybody. The new MackTak 2019 collections are filled with lavish, extraordinary styles based on fabulous fabrics, filled with intricate sets of floral embroidered designs, putting you at the center of attention, making everyone stunned by your flawless look. Check out for the greatest new designs of universally known brands, the trendiest collections, evening dresses, prom dresses, pageant dresses, cocktail dresses, and so many countless opportunities. You could simply be the queen of the night, order your perfect style in no time online without any efforts. Wish you the most memorable shopping experience!


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